Why does some USB Flash drive have greater capacity and a cheaper price than the normal price?

In this blog post, you’ll read:Pen Drive & Memoria USB & Memory card 's Chip Industry Insider

Their USB flash drive # memory card is the same as yours but they are 50% cheaper
l received tons of such Comments almost every day from my prospective clients, for the fear of falling victim to our”lucrative Business”

It’s a common story in almost every industry, where the Copycats are disguised as the “economical Originals” and lure consumers into their clever advertising

50% cheaper for the same quality

Very Eye-Catching indeed.

Though a wise buyer shall put a question mark on it as There must be trade-offs when the Copycats compromise on the cost:

By upgrating the chip from small capacity to what capacity you need.

By making a false fixed capacity that lets you plug in the computer display is the capacity you need, but actually not.

Yes, they” LOOK” like the same.

But Devils are in the details:
When you download the file into products, you just find doesn’t work anymore. it cannot download anything or only can be uploaded 100mb even less file capacity because the chip real capacity is fake. For this kind of product’s real capacity only about 100mb or less, it depends on what price you buy.
In the end, will find out you only bought a shell, not real products.

What the real capacity. it’s valuable, because it can work very well.

For the true real capacity chip:
1gb can download about 900mb file
2gb about 1.8gb file
4gb about 3.6gb
8gb =7.5gb
16gb=14.4 gb

Finally, how to know what is truly real capacity products? The Easiest way that doesn’t buy the 50% cheaper price.

l’D RATHER buys ann expensive, useful products than spend a 💵 DOLLAR on a bunch of USELESS ones.

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